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Jane Eyre
(Charlotte Bronte)

Little Jane Eyre felt out of place with her aunt and cousins, being mistreated even lower than a servant. Jane was sent off to Lowood Institution where she was expected to learn to behave more decently. Innocent, emotionally disturbed and overwhelmed with feelings of loneliness and abandonment, Jane Eyre rose above all who doubted both her abilities and capabilities. Being hired as a governess to Mr Rochester's 'secret' child, Jane developed intense feelings for a man she once thought of as unapproachable and distant. Charlotte Bronte explores how 19th century British society treated various classes of individuals, what a woman's role in that particular society was expected to be, and that though one may be thought incapable, one may surely rise above the very low expectations of one's society.

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- Jane Eyre

- Jane Eyre

- Jane Eyre

- Jane Eyre

- Jane Eyre

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