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The Moscow Vector
(Robert Ludlum with Patrick Larkin)

The name Robert Ludlum is one very familiar with thriller and action genre readers.Ludlum has teamed up with Patrick Larkin for the Covert one series of novels, which are slightly different from the usual Ludlum novels. Different in the sense that they pack a bigger bang even than the Bourne series!!The Moscow Vector is no different. I'll try not to reveal the plot here, but as the name suggests, the story revolves around Moscow, where the dictatorial president wants to regain the old Russian glory by running over the former Russian countries in Central Asia and use their natural resources for his purposes. The way he chooses to do is brilliantly pictured in the novel. He gains access to the ultimate precision killer, a kind of DNA variant which is designed individually for each target and uses the confusion created by the bio-weapon to silently move his armies into place at the border. However, one of the doctors who sees a few deaths caused during the trial phase of the bio-weapon risks his life to inform Lt.Col.Dr. Jon Smith, who actually is a Covert-One operative undercover.From here, the story takes us a breath taking speed to Washington, Orvieto-near Rome, Berlin, Moscow, Kiev, Langley, and to various other far-flung places, without losing track of the story.The thing i love about Ludlum is that he makes the entire plot believable in theory!!Larkin seems to be the brain behind the military angle of the series and hence the partnership for the series. I also read The Lazarus Vendetta, another Covert-one book with the same major characters and both the books blend in beautifully with each other.If you are fond of Fiction, which includes a lot of Big Bangs, a thoroughly researched plot taking you around the world, a lot of slick situations and a very entertaining read, grab the book.
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