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The Seven Secrets To Creative Synergy
(LuAnn K. Patrick)

The Seven Principles of Creative Synergy.  

The secrets to creative thinking, creative energy, is creative synergy.   Creative Synergy is the feeling of  inner-peace, inner-love, and self-respect.   As you begin to develop strategies of Creative Synergy,  you will  feel different about the way you do things.   First, when your mind is doomed and you are overwhelm with  the cares of this world, you cannot experience creative synergy.      The most joyful experience to my Seven Principles of Creative Synergy, is to practice these methods on a daily basis.  

 This is why it is so important to create in your mind these Seven Principles of Creative Synergy.
1: Be yourself
2: Refuse to quit<
3: Go the extra mile to help someone else who is less fortunate
4: Create Peace in the atmosphere of your environment
5: Develop Creative Ways of Thinking
6:Think Winning Solutions to your problems; not resolutions!
7:Put God first in all that you do

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