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The Gospel Of Matthew
(The Bible)

The Holy Bible is a collection of manuscripts that relates the story ofhumankind from its creation to the founding of Christianity and itssubsequent spread in the world. Further, the bible is divided into twomajor sections ? the ?Old? and the ?New? Testament. TheGospel according to Matthew is the first book in the New Testament.This book traces the events associated with the life of Jesus Christfrom birth to his crucifixion and resurrection. Even though there is nodefinite proof, it is traditionally believed that St Matthew ? a taxcollector, who later became an apostle of Jesus Christ, authored thisbook. There is no agreement among scholars as to when this book wascomposed. The Gospel begins by describing Jesus Christ?sgenealogy, His miraculous birth, the visit of wise men from the East,His flight to Egypt to escape King Herod?s wrath, His return toNazareth with his parents Joseph and Mary. The gospel goes on todescribe the work of John the Baptist and his efforts to prepare theway for Christ?s public ministry. It also describes the temptations towhich Christ was subjected, his baptism, and his public ministry inGalilee. The latter part of the gospel narrates JesusChrist?s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Much of the local populationreceptive to his teachings welcomed him. However, his popularityangered the local religious leaders, who plotted to punish him with thehelp of the Romans rulers of the day. Ultimately, with his betrayal byJudas Iscariot - one of the twelve disciples chosen by Christ himself,they were able to crucify him. The central teachings ofChrist were conveyed through sermons, parables and discourses. The widerange of topics covered was on issues of morality, the concept of theKingdom of Heaven, missionary work, relationship between Christians andHis coming again to earth. In addition, one of the mainobjectives of this gospel is to show that Jesus Christ is the promisedMessiah and the heir to King David?s throne as described in the OldTestament. In fact, this gospel, compared to the other gospels,contains the most number of direct references to the prophecies in theOld Testament.

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- The New Testament

- The Holy Bible

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- Biblia

- The Holy Book

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