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Ancient Future
(Rajat Kapoor)

"Today, with the rise of another day, I, Ultime Huma Brath, declare myself the last human being to survive on this blue planet of earth. The blue planet, which had once turned red from blood, long ago in the 21st century. This true, cruel, spine-tingling sin of humanity, which has come on to us through generations, proved out to be the starting of the decline of the human culture and life??It is true that whatever has an origin will definitely have an end. But even the cruelest of monsters should not have deserved that sort of end, which the human culture had suffered out of its own hands. This horrifying, brutal reality might give these Para humans something to learn??It was the year 2052, when the whole world was burning in the fire of violence and hatred. The war had started which had took the whole world in its jaws and had become what was called the world war? some said it was the war against terrorism? some said it was the war between the good and the evil... But really everyone had become an evil once the war had started. It was the war in which life had gone to knees against the death. The words like goodness and humanity were left only to adorn the beauty of the books. Man had become thirsty for the blood of other man. The destructive weapons were used whish had blown each and every minute structures of masses and infrastructure??One such weapon was used, which marked out the change of the war and started about the demise of the world. This weapon called the nuclear weapon was meant for total destruction and to suck the life of the place where it was left loose?No one knew who started what was called the nuclear warfare or where it first opened its big mouth of disaster. But everyone knew one thing that as soon as it got the first lick of devastation, it was hungry for more blood, sweat and tears. Whole world had become the graveyard and the evil spirits were haunting it. These evil spirits, who had laid the foundations of such malevolent deeds, were themselves also buried inside the trenches dug by themselves and they got nothing except the load of millions of dead bodies and the end of the civilization called the world.

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