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The Screwtape Letters
(C.S. Lewis)

This is a collection of letters written to a low-level demon by his 'Uncle Screwtape". Screwtape is a demon working to ruin human lives, and prevent people from finding the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The letters are intended to train the aspiring demon on the many ways to corrupt the human soul, and send people to Hell.The actual author of the book is the well-known apologetics author C.S. Lewis, who is known for his collection of Narnia stories. The Screwtape Letters offer Lewis's familiar, playful method of writing about a very serious Christian theme. The book reads as a lesson in Christian reverse psychology, using irony to demonstrate the need for Christ as savior in the lives of mortal men and women.Screwtape writes many letters to his nephew, instructing him on the most clever, subtle, and fightening ways to distract humans from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Topics include using manipulation, lies, deceit, guilt, and worldliness to break down the virtues inherent in Christian and non-christian lives.

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