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Night Mary

ABSTRACT - REMENDER, RICK & DWYER, KIERON ? NIGHT MARY 2006 IDW Publishing. Complete self contained one off Graphic Novel story of some complexity, with some reminiscence of the film The Cell. The story is about a dream therapist who gets caught up in a complex murder plot. Mary is a lucid dreamer, working for her own father, at a sleep disorders clinic. Mary is able to get inside people?s heads while they sleep and analyse their nightmares. This means that Mary rarely gets to sleep or dream herself. She is also haunted by the car crash that left her mother in a severe coma, and suffering from unpleasant dreams that Mary is unable to get inside. Unfortunately, some of Mary?s patients begin to turn into suicidal psychotics after Mary has read their minds in their sleep. She now finds herself subjected to an investigation by an FBI agent. Mary analyses a dream about the slaughter of the three little pigs and realises that the dreamer is going to murder her three children. She tries to prevent this, but fails. Mary is encouraged to have a normal fun night out and goes with friends to a Halloween party to meet boys. She is shocked when some of the costumes reflect aspects of things she has seen in the dreams she has analysed. Reality and dream now start to merge around her so that she is unable to distinguish between the two. It turns out that she is the victim of another psychic dreamer of immense power. He has a grudge against Mary and her father, and holds Mary?s Mother in the nightmare world of her coma. He has also been the one who has driven Mary?s dreamers psychotic. Now he tries to destroy Mary, but she proves to be too powerful for him, and the FBI man kills the madman in the real world. Mary is now free to sleep, and her Mother has recovered from the coma. Mary is allowed to be happy at last. Clever, exciting and lavishly drawn imaginative work.

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