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Relevance Of Religion In The Modern Times

Relevance of Religion in the Modern Times

Between religion and science, there has been a prolonged conflict in which science has invaribly victorious. Ever since science has been opposing the authority of religious institutions and the sanctity of creeds,the two important institutions of religion. The change in outlook was marked very distinctly after the Industrial Revolution and the publication of Darwin's Theory of Evolution.There was not a creed which wasn't shaken, not a dogma which was not shown to the question, not a tradition which wasn't threatened to dissolve.As knowledge advanced,the domain of religion in the narrow sense of the word shank.People, today, have a feeling that as a result of progress of education and science, the old religion would die and the only religion of science would dominate their life.
Religion is needed in formation of character.Modern life hasn't simplified but multiplied desires,and with that multiplication have assumed varied and intensified shapes.As desires are multiplied without the correctiveof a sense of spiritual values, knowledge of science and technology doesn't reduce either greed or lust. Onthe contrary,it finds fresh tools for evil and facilitates greater indulgence in all forms of greed and lust.The only thing thatfortifies men against temptationand give them live to work is the religious sense. Itis religion that fixes good and sound habits of thought and of external activity. Morals like empty bags cannot stand on their own feet unless they are based on religion. We require truereligious men in the administrative services, on the bench, at the bar, in the medical profession, in the industry and commerce, in the legislature, indeed in all walks of life. if there is corruption in in public life, it is because people aren't truly religious and they have no reverenceand awe for the Divine Power that rules the universe.
Before man is able to build up space colonies, he has to usher in a new world order in which justice, security and equitable distribution of wealth are ensured for eveyone. Such a life will be nothing short of a virtual heaven on earth!!!!

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