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The Davinci Code
(Dan Brown)

Late one night, Harvard Professor Robert Langdon was in Paris for work when his phone rang. It was 10:46PM, the Louvre's museum director Jack Soniere has been murdered, and his body was positioned in an atrocious way. However, beside Jack's body are written several strange clues apparently linking to the perpetrator. The police have begun an investigation into the message that Jack left in his last dying moments. Robert is requested to co-operate in the investigation since he was a specialist in codes and symbolism and that he was due to meet Jack that evening. However, while going to talk to inpsector Fache, Robert gradually becomes aware that he was called as a suspect, perhaps even the foremost suspect. Here, police cryptographer Sophie comes to Roberts aid. Unbeknownst to Fache, Sophie informs Robert that she is Jack's grand-daughter, and that the dying message was in fact a message for her. Half-convinced by her passionate persuasion and for his personal safety, he decides to escape. Destination: the American Embassy. However, en-route Robert deciphers a clue from Jack's dying message. At the same time, the police notice that the musem is now quite empty and that Robert has escaped outside. Robert is now consigned to a mental state that he must quickly make it to the American Embassy, and that he wants to know, what do these codes actually mean? But his curiosity gets the better of him and he runs to the Grand Gallery. Here, Sophie and Robert obtain new keys to solving this riddle. While approaching the truth the two are chased into an increasingly dangerous situation. Can the two arrive at the truth safely and complete the trail of clues left by Jack?

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- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

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