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Children Today

In today?s world, parents are to be held responsible for the role they play in causing so many difficulties in the life of a child which causes the children to lose track of where they are in life or where do they want to go. This is caused because of the possessiveness and materialistic desires of the parents. From their childhood, the children learn about being selfish and materialistic from their parents by observing them attached to the material things in the world. This causes the children to grow up and become materialistic and selfish like their parents. When the children do some mistake, they go to the elders to apologize and confess about their wrong deed, but when they realize that the person to whom they are asking for apology is himself not a pure individual but a bigger and a more notorious sinner than themselves, they lose their faith in the elders who are more experienced than the children. Because of this belief, the children keep on losing faith and trust on their parents and elders as they grow up. At the same time the children lose their trust and belief on god as well as they grow up with a tendency to disrespect authority. During the ancient times, many rules and regulations prohibited people and children to do things which were not allowed by their religion but as time has gone by and modern era has taken birth, which made it possible to travel by planes and reach any corner of the world within 24 hours. Though the technological advancement has certainly given much to the human being, it certainly is a big factor behind a hidden doom which awaits everyone. Because of the modern gadgets and toys which have become very common among the children of today, their brains don?t grow up to their full potential and they don?t believe on god?s existence in this world. They fail to realize that there is a god and he can help the human kind if one has a strong faith on him. Their negative belief on god?s presence plays a role in the downfall of the human kind as a whole and this has made earth a place which is as infernal as a burning hells kingdom. If the elders and parents of children realize that their child?s development is influenced by their own deeds and actions, they can probably help the earth and the human species as a whole to thrive and prosper in the coming times.

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