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(Koji Suzuki)

This is a follow-up ofRing; the best seller of KOJI SUZUKI?s, who is known as a virtuoso of horror novel in Japan. However you can enjoy this as a single novel.

The main character Ando has lost his beloved little son, and that effectively ends his marriage life. As he works as an anatomist, one day he performs an autopsy on one of his friends named Ryuji whom he would play code-breaking-game back in university time. But the cause of death is unnatural and he needs to get his cell analysed.

On the same day, Ryuji?s former student named mai who seems to have some kind of close relationship with him when he was still alive visits his body at MD. Ando simply can?t help himself being attracted to her beauty. This is the first time for him to be interested to other woman since his son?s death.Besides the suspicion of the cause of Ryuji?s death, Ando hears a curious story from Mai that right after Ryuji?s death, a man named Asakawa who says himself a former friend of Ryuji?s visits Ryuji?s apartment and asks a strange question to Mai who is doing her business at Ryuji?s. His question is ?Did you hear anything about videotape from Ryuji before he dies??

Ando and Mai meet each other again to talk about the cause of Ryuji?s death. They go into a café and he explains her as much as he knows at that moment. Yet he cant? help himself thinking about Mai who is sitting right in front of him. Finally he decides to ask her out to dinner. But she never shows up on the date of their appointment. For a several days after that, he tries to reach her, but she never picks up her phone, furthermore he finds out that she?s been absent from her University, plus she hasn?t even been home for days.

Since the day Ando performed autopsy on Ryuji?s, strange things have surrounded Ando. The cause of Ryuji?s death for one thing, and the weird question about ?videotape? from Ryuji?s former friend Asakawa, a few numbers on a piece of newspaper which seems some kind of a message from Ryuji, which popped out of Ryuji?s body after the autopsy, an impossible result of the analysis he requested before, which according to the analyst, there seem to be some kind of code in Ryuji?s DNA, moreover, the sudden disappearance of Mai.

Ando starts searching for Mai. He goes to her apartment and he finds suspicious videotape, while he has strange feelings about the room, he soon leaves the apartment. He yet is concerned about Mai?s safety, and he visits her place again. There, he sees a spooky woman coming out from Mai?s room. Though somehow he feels very uncomfortable about her at first, after they coincidently meet each other for a few times, he starts having feelings for her.The more he improves solving a mystery of Ryuji?s messages or code in his DNA, the more he can see the Ryuji?s intention or the videotape?s purpose. At the same time, he finds out who really this spooky, but attractive woman is.

Also ?dark water? by Koji Suzuki.

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