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I, Robot
(Isaac Asimov)

In the year 2035 a techno-phobic cop investigates a crime that may havebeen perpetrated by a robot, which leads to a larger threat to humanity.I, robot is set in the year 2035 and is centered around a cop namedDel Spooner (Will Smith) who investigates the death of the topscientist at U.S. Robotics. Suspicious, as always, Det. Spoonerimmediately suspects that a robot has something to do with the crimeand as he continues his investigation and delves deeper into USR thetruth starts to unfold about what is really going on.This fiction gives a irony on how rules can't be made unbreakable. The story revolves with a start of robotic era where robots are made harmless by subjecting it to 3 laws. But in time the understanding of these laws change and robots retaliate.

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- I, Robot

- I, Robot

- I, Robot

- I, Robot

- I, Robot

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