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(Jane Green)

?BOOKENDS? BY JANE GREEN. Cath?s dream is to run a bookshop stroke cafe. She?d planned to go to university, get a good job, and work throughout her twenties, saving up enough money to do something about it. Cath, Portia, Si, Eddie and Josh, meet at university, and soon become inseparable.Portia gets lots of wanted attention from men, including Josh. She only thinks of Josh as a friend, but loves being the centre of attention. Elizabeth, a friend of Eddie?s, makes it clear she?s interested in Josh. So to keep Josh?s attention on herself, Portia throws herself at him. The next day Portia acts as if nothing?s happened. After seeing what she can be like, the others never trust her again. After graduation Eddie moves to manchester, and none of the group see him much. Cath, Josh, and Si move to London. Josh marries Lucy and they now have a child called Max and a swedish, blonde, nanny called Ingrid. Nobody knew or cared where Portia was going or what she was doing. Three years pass by and Cath suggests getting in touch with Portia as in a strange way she misses her. Josh and Si aren?t really bothered. Cath leaves a message on Portia?s answering machine. Lucy loves her husband and son very much, but wants to be more than just a wife and a mother. She takes Cath to an empty shop. She talks about Cath?s dream. She says Cath can manage the books, and she will do the cooking for the cafe. A nice looking estate agent named James, shows them round the building. They go for it. Si meets someone called Will. Cath cannot stand him. One of her friends works at the same company as Will, and tells her he is evil. He?s almost driven a work colleague to a nervous breakdown. Cath and Lucy call the shop ?Bookends.? Cath admits liking James a lot more than she?s letting on. At the party before the shop opening, Ingrid turns up, looking stunning and makes a beeline for James. And then suddenly...in walks...Portia. Cath and Si suspect she?s up to something already. Maybe even trying to get Josh back. Cath see?s Ingrid and James leaving together and decides to get drunk. The next day Cath opens the door with a hangover to James, who?s clutching abunch of flowers. But after seeing him leave the party with Ingrid, Cath isn?t interested. She later finds out nothing happened between them. ?Bookends? is now officially open. It?s long hours but they both expected that. Cath meets Portia few more times, but is getting increasingly suspicious, as whenever she asks about the men in her life, Portia seems uncomfortable and changes the subject. Lucy throws a dinner party, as she and Josh haven?t met Will. Josh soon tires of Will?s rudeness and throws him out. James is interested in Cath, but she wants to steer clear of relationships as they are hard work and she has enough of that at the shop. Si finds out Will is cheating on him, and is devastated. Cath accepts a dinner date with James. Suddenly in walk Portia and Josh. Lucy then admits that she and Josh hardly see each other anymore. When she gets home from the shop, Josh normally phones to say he?s working late. Cath visits Lucy and Ingrid lets her in. Lucy is out, but in the kitchen sits Portia. This is total confirmation for Cath. Portia is obviously waiting for Josh. Then suddenly Lucy announces that her Josh are fine now. They had just been going through a bumpy stage. When James asks Cath out again, she accepts. But Si turns up in tears. He?s found out that Will has A.I.D.S. They hadn?t used protection when they slept together. So Cath ends up turning James away. Si?s tests come back positive. When Lucy says that Josh is working late again, Cath decides to confront Portia. She admits she was going to try and seduce Josh the night Cath had seen them together. He had been feeling neglected by Lucy and had agreed to go out with Portia as friends, for something to eat. Portia had other ideas. But Josh spoke of nothing except Lucy. Portiarealised they were made for each other. Cath realises that if Josh is not having an affair with Portia, it must be Ingrid. Si books a holiday to Tenerife on his own to try and come to terms with what?s happened. Cath and James get together again and finally spend the night together. Cath tells Lucy, who has something more exciting to tell her. She came home unexpectedly and found Ingrid kissing...Portia. Si returns from his holiday. He?s met someone called Paul. Paul who knows all about Si?s condition, and isn?t deterred. Cath and Si apologise to Josh for suspecting him. He?d been telling the truth about working late. His infatuation with Portia was long gone. He?d never hurt Lucy. The book ends with Si throwing a dinner party. Lucy announces she is pregnant again. Si tells the rest of the group that he has A.I.D.S. This novel is a fine example of a dream being achieved. But sadly there aren?t always happy endings for everyone. Life does go on, even if it feels as if the world is ending.

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