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The Little Prisoner
(jane elliot)

The little prisoner, a book almost hard to believe it is a true story from a chapter of the authors life. From the age of four Jane is infact starting her sentence with her stern and evil minded step- father. Not asking or deserving any of the treatment, she was beaten, and humiliated on regular occasions. As a young child of course how was she to understand what exactly was going on, growing up in her apparent family home was like living on a mine feild, no matter which way she turned, no matter what she said, punishment is all she received. As a young child she was lead to believe she actually had done something to deserve this kind of treatment, perhaps it was normal. Growing up she learned not only that she did not deserve the treatment, but also how clever her step- father was. The scheming man allowed to be her step- father would plan out trips and ways to get Jane by herself, to make sure that her life could never be as stable or as normal as the other children. With noone to turn to with her horrifying story she dreamed herself away into her own fairy land, about the only child like activity that would go on in her house. A survivor she became as not only the physical abuse continued but the understanding of sexual abuse would humiliate her well into puberty. Of course her monster of a step- father did not keep his temper a secret, having everyone scared of him there was simply no where little Jane could turn.
On the age of 21 Jane not only had to worry for her own safety any more, she had a child of her own. She had no choice but to run away, one man managed to affect to generations. Of course he soon found Jane her baby amd her boyfriend. Her step- father took on once again his faveourite hobby of scaring away anyone who came close to her. After years of holding her secret, and not being understood by the outside world, Jane gains and trusts a few friends and with their support and inspiration from the book 'a child called it' by dave pelzer, she finally confronts her fears and comes forward with her story, her step- father recieves his long awaited dues.
This book has morals way beyond its out lays, its about having the courage to loose everything most people take for granted to stand up for yourself, its about taking chances and having to keep self belief up in order to survive. definatly a must read.

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