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Jokes 3
(james moylan)

A farm boy accidentaly overturned his wagonload of corn, a farmer who lived next door heard the noise and saw the mess, he yelled over to the boy, hey Jimmy forget your troubles come in and visit us. Ile help you get the wagon up later. Thats very nice of you, Jimmy amswerd but i dont think pa would like me to, aw come on boy the farmer insisted. But my pa...Forget you pa you have been working to hard, it was bad luck when the wagon fell over, so you come inside and rest up. Well ok, the boy finally agreed, but pa wont like it. After a hearty dinner. Jimmy thanked his host. I feel a lot better now.but i know pa is going to b real upset. Dont be foolish. the famer said, with a smile. Hes a very understanding man yous father . by the way were is he...hesunder the wagon.

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