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The Ship Of Adventure
(Enid Blyton)

Enid Blyton The Ship of AdventureThis is Adventure 6 of 8 in the series, and, let?s see, Jack, Philip, Dinah and Lucy-Ann have been having adventures for five years, and they started when Jack was fourteen, and he?s still not out of school. They said in the first book that he was an indifferent student (or, to be politically correct, differently abled, his one-track mind tending toward birds all the time. But to still be in school at 19 or 20 is a bit much, or perhaps that?s explained because in the late 1940s and early 1950s (when the Adventure series was written), social promotion hadn?t yet become quite the thing.Well, maybe they?re not all that retarded. After all, Philip in this book can make travel arrangements, and this time Jack and Phillip and even Bill get roughed up a bit, instead of merely threatened. Enid Blyton wasn?t, however, I somehow feel, thirsting for Hollywood to script this book into a movie. And something I?ve been anticipating for a few volumes finally happens: Bill and Aunt Allie (Philip and Dinah?s mother, Jack and Lucy-Ann?s foster-mother) decide to marry.It?s not as exciting a book as the previous ones-somehow, counterfeiters, spies, art thieves, gunrunners and mad scientists were all presented better than is a treasure hunter in this book. Or perhaps Indiana Jones has spoiled us and we expect archaeologists to experience all he does. Yet, even the Indiana Jones series is fake and unreal-note how he kills people right and left and we never watch them suffer, whereas if a "good" guy is hurt, the action stops so we can all feel his pain. But that?s Hollywood for you. Enid Blyton is still innocent, clean children?s literature, interesting in spite of that wretched parrot who keeps taking over the plot line and dialogue.

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