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The Island Of Adventure
(Enid Blyton)

Enid Blyton?s The Island of AdventureThis is the prequel, the premier, the first book of the eight in her Adventure series, which was my favorite Enid Blyton writing when I was a kid. I recently read the eight books again to relive my childhood. Some of my fair-weather friends said that my taking a journey into the mind of an eight year-old would not be too much of a trip, but I did not gratify them with a response. Rather, I reintroduced myself to Jack, Philip, Dinah, Lucy-Ann, Mrs. Mannering, Bill Cunningham, and Kiki the parrot. In this launching pad of the series, Jack and Lucy-Ann, orphans (though the book never uses that word), meet Philip and Dinah and at the end of the book, go to live with them. But before Mrs. Cunningham makes her appearance, the four children, intending to visit an off-shore island to do birdwatching, find old mineshafts and descend one to find themselves in the mids tof counterfeiters, perhaps with connections to the war-time economy and rationing of 1944. A nice beginning to a memorable series of well-drawn characters.But a main protagonist (Bill) is a smoker. This series shows its age.The birdwatcher is trying to find a Great Auk. It?s true that species considered to be extinct do sometimes show up. And, of course, other species go extinct all the time.

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