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The Tao Of My Thoughts
(Chee Soo)

Previously a hidden art, taught only to family members or people who proved themselves worthy, the Taoist practices and philosophy have been under the surface of society in China for thousands of years. It is only in the last century that Taoism has become popular and widely recognised. "These thoughts started to come to me on the 20th December 1976" the start of a book filled with views on life, love, society and the workings of the universe. This modern philosophy classic opened my eyes to alot of understated and overlooked aspects of our human way of life. Taoist philosophy dates back thousands of years, to ancient China and yet, as this book proves is undoubtedly still as relevant today as it was then. This easy to read book, in a league with writings by Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu will become the manual by which to live your life. Written by the renowned Taoist grand master Chee Soo it helps to explain in its own way the precepts of the Taoist philosophy.

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