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The Great Gatsby
(F. Scott Fitzgerald)

The colossal vitality of our dreams creates a difficult and often impossible journey. Sometimes, these journeys end in defeat, and we realize that the dreams were already behind us, somewhere in the depths of our imagination. Other times, we fulfill our dreams, and for a moment, we feel no sadness, no sorrow. Instead, we have complete satiation. This feeling of accomplishment, however, deteriorates as we remake our dreams and add to them more exotic conclusions.Soon, we realize that our dreams go beyond everything, beyond everyone. We realize that we will always fall short. But, in this moment of depressing epiphany, we begin to understand that success is found not in achievement, but in achievement?s never-ending quest. So, we pick a new dream, more fantastic and more creative than ever before. We shall, of course, fall short of it again, but it does not matter. ?We beat on, boats against the current, born back ceaselessly into the past.? Like Jay Gatsby, I believe in the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. People see the future as a place of hope, where dreams and ambitions may be fulfilled. Too often, however, these dreams slip through our fingers?not through our own fault, but because of the impossible grandeur of our illusions. Jay Gatsby, for instance, envisioned himself asrich, famous, and married to Daisy. Through illegal alcohol smuggling, Gatsby achieved the wealth and fame, and because of these aspects, Daisy fell back in love with him. But, during their reuniting, even Daisy cannot live up to Gatsby's massive expectations. He wants todelete the past andto live as if nothing had changed. Daisy, however, cannot renounce her love for Tom, so Gatsby is destroyed. Gatsby is a person whom we shall admire. In a time of great depression, when aspirations crumbled into a valley of ashes, Gatsby maintained his dream. The quest for this dream gave Gatsby the passion to live, the passion that so many people lacked. Nick Carraway, the unbiased narrator, respects Gatsby because Gatsby tried, with all his power, so that he could hardly fail to grasp his dream. Of course, in the end, Gatsby's dream was already behind him. This, however, is no matter, for the trait we shall epitmoize is that of Gatsb'ys vigor and perserverance to attain all for which he had ever hoped.

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- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

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- The Great Gatsby

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