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The Shadow Lines
(Amitav Ghosh)

A refreshingly unique novel, The Shadow Lines is a pleasant saga of a young man learning about life through the different people and places he is associated with.Starting with India, the story shifts swiftly to UK,Burma,US,Bangladesh,Kuwait and many more fascinating places.The transits are also similar in the dimension of time as well, with the same swiftness.But with such tremendous force and with such subtlety does the author thread all these together that you cannot help but get carried away with all the love & despair,pride & ego,nostalgia & innocence that make up this brilliant piece of work. Filled with myriad characters , each time you read about the description of one, you find a part of yourself in it.Such lively are they in it. And so real that you will be left pondering, whether it is really a part of fiction?Winner of the Sahitya Akademi Award ( a prestigious literary award in India )in 1989, the book should appeal to all those who attempt to chronicle life.
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