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Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook: The Essential Guide To Caring For Everything In Your Home
(Martha Stewart)

Be warned! This is a super heavy book (744 pages). It's like an encyclopedia for the home. It's full of helpful advice and it is really interesting.
The topics are broad. There is almost nothing uncovered. She talks about everything from ironing (how to completely, completely dewrinkle - underside of collar, inside of cuffs, inside of sleevefronts, outside of sleeves, outside of cuffs, inside of yolk etc etc), to stain removal (fix it right away - blot and drown the stain in cool water, blot again, more water, blot, etc), removing wax from tablecloths, and on and on. I especially loved reading on how to clear out the nasty smell in the microwave. I never knew what to do to get rid of that (till now).
It's such a helpful book for everyone - I can't imagine that there'd be someone out there who couldn't gain some insight from Martha's tips. It's easy to follow and find what you are after because she has put everything into specific catagories. So go out and get a copy because it's the perfect gift idea for the holiday's and a must for yourself in your home. I love it a lot.

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