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Song Of Susannah
(Stephen King)

The Sixth novel in the Dark Tower series, Stephen King's major literary endeavor begins in the aftermath of Roland's band victory over the wolves of the Calla. Susannah dean, who is pregnant with what she believes to eb a demon child has developed another personality. As you recall from the second novel of the series, The Drawing of the Three, Susannah is a combination of her two old selfs. She is also a gunslinger, but now she is carried by the personality namedMiawho has developed as a result of the pregnancy to the Cave of the Door, through which she means to travel to deliver her baby to the hands of the the minions of the Crimson King.
Roland's band's remaining members mean to pursuit Mia without delay, but a the falling of night delays them. The fact that Mia took black thirteen, the only sure way to open the Door in the Cave of the Door also causes delay as an alternative opening mean must be uncovered. The Manni, a clan in the Calla is called to assist and they indeed manage to open the door, but not to Roland's planning. Roland and Eddie planned to follow Mia while Jake and Father Callahan were to search for Calvin Tower. But the door sucks Jake, Oy and Callahan through to 1999 New York after Mia, and sends Roland and Eddie to 1977 Maine, after Tower.
In New York, Mia attempts to get to the Dixie Pig, a place controlled by the Crimson King's minions. Mia is a demon spirit who has developed an ambition of motherhood and she was promised the raising of the child she and Susannah are carrying. The child is in fact Roland and Susannah's child, developed by a combination of magic and ancient science.
Mia tells Susannah her story, how she was an elemental spirit, immortal but sterile, how she came to the town of Fedic, adjacent to Castle Discordia, the home of the Crimson King, and how she was promised a child, the one they were now carrying. The child was to be called Mordred and he was destined to kill his father, Roland. Mia tells her this story because she is ignorant of New York and needs Susannah's help to move about and get to the Dixie Pig.
Roland and Eddie come in Maine straight into an ambush, for Mia, sharing Susannah's mind has told their enemies of their destination. A massive fire fight ensues, in which Eddie is wounded and several of their attackers are killed. Roland and Eddir finally make their escape in the boat of John Collum, a man who just happened to be their.
He directs them to Calvin Tower's hideout and also to the residence of Stephen King, a writer who wrote the book in which Father Callahan was created.
At first, Tower tried to renege on the deal he made with Eddie regarding the vacant lot in Manhattan where the rose stands, but he is persuaded by Roland. He signs a deed transferring ownership of the lot to Eddie and Roland who carry on to Stephen King's house.
The writer is terrified at the sight of them, but he tells them of how he wrote a novel which he had never published and how he created Roland at the time. King is obviously an important part of the quest for the Dark Tower and he must be made to write the rest of it. Roland leaves him with that task and Eddie and himself move to find Turtle Lane, a road in which travel between the worlds is easy.
Susannah and Mia arrive at the Dixie Pig where they are greeted by monsters: Low men, vampires of the third and first type. Susannah and Mia are whisked to a makeshift hospital in Fedic where the birth is to take place.
Jake and Callahan arrive at the Dixie Pig to try to rescue Susannah. Their part of the novel ends as they are about to enter.
The novel ends with the death of Stephen King before he can finish the Dark Tower series.

Resumos Relacionados

- A Torre Negra: Canção De Susannah

- The Waste Lands - The Dark Tower Iii

- The Drawing Of The Three - The Dark Tower Ii

- The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger/

- The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger/

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