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Winning Attitudes
(Carlos Hilsdorf)

Life is made of moments, they determine our actions through lives, for example: if I´m sick I look for a doctor, if I´m in love I will try to conquer my love. History is full of characters that were able to win in there lives because they knew how to enjoy each moment they had passed, as well of characters who failed because they didn´t knew how to enjoy those moments.How many groups of friends you already had and today you don´t? Styles of clothes you dressed and you don´t anymore? From these examples we can understand the importance of knowing each moment of our reality, one of the most efficient ways is to know the histories of other people and to observe the contributions that they can bring to me, it´s to analyze the attitudes made themselves in situations similar to mine, it´s to apply the teachings of each person observed in what it will be more useful. So Hilsdorf show us in a clear and positive way the resistance to change and the risk of delaying our big decisions, and all of that trough stories and quotations of important figures in the world scenario, such as Einstein, Aristotle and Nietzsche. Therefore (Winning Attitudes) it´s more than just a book is a Life guide, and costs approximately 35R$ (Senac-SP).

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