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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

Ever had a really bad day? You know, one of those rotten, stinking, awful days that makes you wish you had smashed the alarm clock and gone back to sleep? Trust me, Arthur Dent can take your biggest, baddest day right in the teeth and keep smiling. Arthur Dent had the worst day in the history of planet Earth, which, oddly enough, started with the total destruction of planet Earth!To escape the destruction of Earth, Arthur and a friend (Ford Prefect) hitched a ride on a Vogon space ship. Unfortunately, the Vogons discovered their stowaways and subjected them to a most excruciating poetry reading before blasting them into outer space. Just before Arthur and Ford turned into space-cicles, they were inadvertently rescued by a ship that was crewed by a two-headed man, a chronically depressed robot and a girl that Arthur met at a party once.We follow this rag-tag bunch through many adventures in their quest for the question that fits the answer forty-two. Douglas Adams takes us on a far-out, slightly loopy and always interesting ride through the universe. Don't miss the trip and don't forget your towel!

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- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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