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Tess Of The D'urbervilles
(Thomas Hardy)

It is one of the most pessimistic and pensive novels by Thomas Hardy. It is a sad story of a poor, wounded girl ,Tess, the daughter of an eccentric villager of Blackmoor, who cherishes a belief that he is a descendant of an aristocratic ,ancient family named D?Urbervilles. Tess is seduced by a rich villain Alec D?Urberville and has an illegitimate son by him, who is baptized and named Sorrow at his early death. Thus, a social outcast , Tess worked as a dairymaid in a large a firm ,where she became engaged to and married Angel Clare,a clergyman?s son.on the night of her marriage the simple-hearted girl confessed to Angel her past tangle with Alec. The result was shocking, she was left in the lurch to fend for herself, to live a life of ignominy and poverty. Alec again appears as an evil intruder in Tess?s life and getting flung to fury remembering the wrongs and injustice inflicted on her she murders Alec to free herself from his accursed clutches . She is immediately taken to task, tried ruthlessly and executed. Hardy concludes the tragic story with these words, ?Justice was done and the President of the Immortals ended her sport with Tess.? Both in Tess and Jude The Obscure,the two last novels by Hardy attains a climax in his poetic flourish and deep insight. But the profound pessimism in these novels kicked up such storm of criticism that Hardy gave up writing in disgust. In the preceding novels sadness and sweetness are mingled in considerable proportions. But in these two novels especially , life appears to be ?a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury ,signifying nothing.?Tess is perhaps the most poignant of Hardy?s novels.Here Hardy comes into close grip with moral or social problems which accentuate the pessimism. Like Ruth of Wordsworth ,Tess has her unjustified share of sorrow, sense of being wronged , the will to recover, love, confidence, loss of trust. Profound sense of Providence is quite conspicuous in the novel. Tess suffers for no fault of her own, but for the obduracy of Angel Clare. As the characters follow their appointed course, they suffer accordingly.According to Abercrombie?s classification, Tess is an ?epic? novel. Tess is the dominant character in the action of the novel and others pale into insignificance befre this girl of multiple sorrows .There is little interplay of actions or characters. As an epic in prose it has a stark grandeur and pathos. The sobbing heart of the novelist speaks in Shakespearean vein, ?Poor wounded name!My bosom as a bed small lodge thee.? By Dr. Ketaki Datta

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