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The Da Vinci Code
(Dan Brown)

A truly gripping, well written, well researched book. I could notstop reading this bookand after finishing, I went on to read all of the books he has written.
In this book Robert Langdon, an american researcher finds himself in the middle of a murder hunt in Paris. Fate throws him and a cryptologist, Sophie Neveau,together and they embark on a quest to learn about and hopefully find, the Holy Grail. The story provides a lot of true historical facts which are extremely interesting. Brown has developed some veryendearing characters and the puzzles which need to be solved by the main characters using their cryptology and code breaking skills really get your brain working. The story is action packed with adventure, shady characters and intrigue. It is not a predictable book where you can guess the ending half way through. The book should not be judged on the basis of having seenthe film. The film could not convey the historical facts or the complexities of the grail quest. The facts in this book are scintillating and not heavy going like other grail quest books.
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