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Who Will Protect Environment
(think tank :Naresh batish)

Who will protect the environmentToday environment is the most tensionable issue for whole world. Where the earthe is going to converted in desert the other way the trees are disappearing from the earth. Who world wants to lead a enjoyful life. But no one is worrly about the nature. People don?t know that they are enjoying the roads for vehicle have swallow thousands of green tree. According to sciecntist tree are the most important for human life. Tree create oxygen for the humanlife. But people have become the enemy of their own life by deforestation. Environ scientists are in tension. They are trying to aware people for plantation. So earth can save to convert into desert. Even to the students of school also involing in the crisis. But the awareness is very slow. If we don?t think about it very early with earth whole life on earth will ruined.

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