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Housing Association Decay
(Vikki Littlemore)

It has come to my attention that our town is now affectionately being referred to as "scumcorn" and various statistics are in circulation, such as "highest teenage pregnancy rate", "highest crime rate", "Highest drugs rate" and our town is becoming known as "Chav Capital" to the rest of the country and this infuriates me beyond all possible rendering!The Runcorn generation of today would find it had to believe that our town was once an idyllic port surrounded by fields and countryside with a thriving river and shipping community. Runcorn was once a lovely place to live with a healthy community, family run businesses and a roaring shipping trade on the River Mersey. This all changed in 1970!In 1970 an event happened that effectively signed an execution warrant for the town. At the time, there was an area on the outskirts of a big city where housing conditions were so bad that the properties people were living in were ordered to be knocked down. The people were living in such appalling conditions that the only option left was to tear everything down and this left hundreds of people without homes. So what happened? Well, they shipped them all to Runcorn. Hundreds of unemployed criminals and drug addicts infested the town and brought with them dirt, squalor, crime and drugs, no laws or morality and a cloud of filthy living.Now, I must really stress that I have nothing whatsoever against people moving to Runcorn or against people from particular areas. I know a number of families who moved to Runcorn around the same time that this was all happening and they are decent, honest, hard working families who came to Runcorn to buy their own house and earn an honest living. The people that were brought in by the housing associations came to claim as many benefits as they could and be given free accommodation and I feel that it is the housing associations that are really to blame for what happened to our town. Huge numbers of these people were grouped together in massive quantities and were allowed to breed crime, filth and everything that comes with it. The prefabricated flats and houses that were designed as temporary housing on Castlefields, Palacefields, Halton Lodge, Halton Brook, Murdishaw and all the surrounding areas are still standing today and provide a breeding ground and safe haven for crime and drugs.Having worked for one of the town's busiest criminal solicitors, I can say from experience that almost all of the criminal clients the firm dealt with were living in the areas mentioned above. Festival Way is now the hottest spot in town for drug dealers and the phone box at the end of the road is used as the "graft phone" and why? Because of the housing association properties surrounding it.Although the people themselves should be responsible for their actions and have respect for where they live, it is really the housing associations that have caused the problem. They should not be allowed to group these people together in such large numbers. It is too easy for crime and drugs to fester and grow underneath the surface, rotting away everything decent about our society. These people walk around our town wearing their tracksuits, spitting, vandalising the town and being disrespectful to its residents and it is these lowlifes that have given "Scumcorn" its name. It is these people who complain about the state the town is in and yet it is they who have caused it! They travel on our busses, vandalising the seats and spitting and smoking at the back. I was actually travelling on a bus recently from Warrington to Runcorn and watched two men in their thirties sit at the back of the bus and smoke two cigarettes before taking out a bag of Cocaine and snorting away for a good few minutes before getting off at Halton Lea.So, what is the answer to this problem? How can the decent people of Runcorn get their town back? How can we turn "Scumcorn" back into "Runcorn"? The answer is to do away with the housing associations, get rid of the scum tat gives "Scumcorn its name"- send them somewhere else! If they want to live like that let them do it somewhere else!I want Runcorn to be the town my Grandparents grew up in and their parents and their parents and for generations before that! I want Runcorn back!

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