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The Words That Never I Will Say You
(Nicholas Sparks)

This is without doubts the prettier history of love love that already I read, is about a emotive romance of love between Garrette and Teresa, everything starts when Teresa finds a bottle in the beach that brings inside a letter there of love derigidaa Catherine, written for Garrette, therefore Catherine faleceu, then garrette appeals to the letters to relieve the homesickness that has of its loved Catherine. Teresa, journalist, are very comovida and coriosa for knowing Garrette, then he decides to go to its search, to see with its proper eyes the man who is Garrette, goes then to its meeting after one investigaçãoe discovers its paradeiro, when finding he makes it if to pass for a simple tourist who is to know the city, but both finish for if involving and finish gotten passionate, in such a way that they finish exactly for if involving deeply, but have a problem therefore have completely different lives, it live in the city in stress and it in the peace of the beach, cidadesdistantes, it goes then to know its way of life in the stressada city and finishes for discovering as it descobreu it and to know that it had the letters that it escreveràCatherine, is disillusioned and furious, finishing for returning its city and its life, Teresa goes behind to justify itself, but he also finishes for returning its life, if not giving it change to they to be happy together, but later later it receives a phone call from the father of Garrette that asks for to it to go visits it, when if it finds gives to it the tragica news to it of that Garrette faleceu. Being later it to adescobrir that it faleceu for it was the sea if to fire to Catherine, therefore she would go to be alone of Teresa, then it paratambém to relieve its Garrette blackberry, also decides to write it a letter where she says to it how much she loves it. I alive advise to read?

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