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A Father Guide To Raising A Daughter
(Bill Good)

This was the most darling read I have had in a long time. I loved the view of parenthood from the father. Especially in accordance with raising a daughter. very littledo we really take the time to look at the impact of a female with a male role model. I have heard women say I can raise her just fine on my own. Well that is all good and well, but a child needs the influence of both parents in the home. There are of course situation's such as bad divorce's, and the death of a parent wich prohibits one of the parent's from being around. However we should never underestimate the power of two parents. The book "A fathers guide to raising a daughter" is chak full of advice on the does and do not's of raising a girl. I found several entries very amusing. For instance, if the daughter wants to wear a bathing suit swimming, Dad's don,t make her wear a shirt over it. I loved the page on dating, how a Dad should not embarrass his daughter by letting her date know that he has killed before and has no problem with doing it again. That is a true dad for you though. Always protecting his little girl. I found while reading this book that men play such important roles in their daughters development into womenhood. Most girls model the men they chose in life after that number one man in her life. Her father. The also model relationships with men based on their relationship with their fathers. Alot of men are unaware of the impact they can have on a small girls life. Also the impact they have on her future. Face it wether we like it or not we need a man's influence in society. Our daughters especially need it. If you know a women who makes horrible relationship decisions. You can bet it has alot to do with her relationship or lack of it with her father. As young girls we often idolize our father's. We think of them as strong, and wise in every way. We look to them for guidance in life decision's. We usually only use our mother's for advice of the heart. I hope that every man who has a daughter get's a chance to read this book. It is seriouse, funny, and honest. Raising a girl to become a strong idependant women is a job for a man. A mother can teach her to be gentle and loving,but her father will teach her to be strong. He also is the key to her learning to be self reliant, confident, and successfull. So there you go dad's. You play more of a role in your daughter's life than you probably knew.

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