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Good Memory
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Good memory could be concept by simple methods relatively and actually not Mocrot.colm recognize methods of to remember something according to melody, to attach him to the story, Lzcorhptsim according to the method of the places ( here was and there was and here put this and there you are that ) and so onward. But/auditorium surprisingly good memory actually hidden in several methods not very familiar Oidoao that they comes : appointed Omizaor the brain remembers similarly The bird, things with great ease when he view on them Mlmalh.al yes his miracle to imagine the thing him about you to remember Mlmalh.shiclol additional of the method is Mizaor : Similarly to the map of city in which we remember position all the streets are excellent as if we situated above them and view in them from above/up/upward, so his miracle to remember also all the advisable things to the rememberance : As if you view on them from above/up/upward and in the way Coll.zo Lmaa the method The central Lzcirh.mabr so Hktino Ohktino the information that the same you want to remember to this degree that there will be miniature in any way possible and minimal, in spite of that he only Bdimionshlcm.To Tnnso to imagine him big and full but only Ktntnn.mshom what and in the any way of the brain will remember him with great ease because he catch " many inferior place " and easy representation Yotr.hktino the things more and more until that will feel that they are little enough " and disruptions" Bzicron.lgodl the most little the advisable already you will arrive Batsmcm.hcl interest of feeling and of exercise. Colors and affluence of the imagination every thing remembers better when he is varied and operator more Hoshim.ch happens also if he is colorful and lives. His miracle to imagine colors are comprehensive him or that he is hypocritical Bhm.kl for example to remember balmy colors like blue or pink. Given but/auditorium Lhtmsh there arousal in my red vehement color or even Lbtsaim phosphoric flash. Shift That from naive heart that you remember things move more than things stand static? If so why when you try for example to remember phone numbers you remember them representable just so in the imagination? His miracle Lzcwr numbers move Yotr.lmshl if there is the literature are one two and to the liquorice tried to imagine the movement of the hand of one two three fingers. Even without the movement of the hand if there are numbers of one two it's possible to imagine them view Zhal And arrive close one to second what calls one Oshtim.am there is the numeral seven that secretary the word returned, his miracle to imagine her moves Omtiishbt.kimot the multiform imagination and everything Ptoh.apshr also just to imagine Athmsprim move and the numeral four ( mountain in her ) Notntmca by the way Aintoz to tell her seven. Pirtsop know to imagine for all information of certain face. The face can go out from within from all place or to be resting In her in any event that will choose and each Mkom.prtsopim they are thing that all of us remember and always and not easy to ignore them Biho cashr they view Bno.toclo to add a little face in the imagination for all phone number or for all Nton.cashr will imagine Hainopormtsia view Alicnm will not be able to ignore her as you can will not ignore any face are stuck to you in the way Kboa.hdbr no cause a bewilderment. felt feeling to the information like that all of us know life are most of the time An increase of familiar significance to the information if your yen are supposed to remember a phone number because he has three literature of beginning and later four literature that secretariat of hour like for example 1234 then Zicro you three of the literature Hraoshnot as they and the you 1234 about an hour two ten thirtieth four at noon. Other number will be able to remember with similar hour, but Rlahr midnight. If are Tsricm to remember for example phone number like 876543 Zicro him according to amount of money, as you know/ut the thing of seller you more If your yen need to remember for example literature 11 then Zicro the first channel in the tv and not the number. As mentioned, subordinated every thing Artilai and unfamiliar to talk that your yen recognize with certainty and in the fluent actual way from within lives Hiomiom your sellers. Nos every those and pursuant apparatus a few more methods

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