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The Ship Of The Titanic Is A Dream Of Prediction
(sagit e.k)

The ship of the Titanic is a dream of prediction all of them know what this dream of prediction nowadays, but once that not yet there were studies on the dreams of the human brain how he works and how created dreams. In the cultures of antiquities was not the technology because we have nowadays, and but/auditorium since then started to construe dreams remembered Joseph deciphers the dreams of repaid in Egypt the antiquity or to the priests all of them there were numbers to them the dreams and they were spread them. Part of the dreams are connected to the vision of that is covert in him person sees a picture from the future, and the thing come Trues, it was thus by the ship of Titanic. In the period of the century 19 a great deal of Mstiknim and people of prediction knew what goes to be even exited Sp

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