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The Metamorphosis
(Franz Kafka)

Published for the first time in October of 1915, in the Die magazine weissen Blatter (the white leves), for the EditoraKurt Wolf in Leipzig, the Metamorphosis is one of the works of Franz Kafka more read by some generations of readers. By the way, all workmanship of Kafka, Jew-Czech, of German language, is reason of admiration for many writers of the most diverse nationalities. The author place-in, while the reading ones, in the estertores of the existence when telling the history of Gregor Samsa who when waking up, certain morning, uncovers itself transmutado in a indescritível insect. Anchored in a species of fantastic realism, not to say in a surrealismo, Kafka he unweaves the misfortune of the teller-traveller who vivecom its parents and a sister in an apartment. In a reaction that can oscillate between the easy laugh and the amazement, the reader folloies the martyrdom of Gregor who, at a first moment, discovers-secomo such: a flyer. Thus, until a knife you the current as if to raise of a bed becomes anguish reason. It is followed discovered it of the metamorphosis for the family. The paternal figure is who more disdains it, while the mother discloses a certain indifference and its sister is who passes to feed it. The existencial conflict, the familiar game and the disdain are notables which Gregor Samsa is relegated. At least the faxineira nourishes for it some merciful feeling. The outcome of the history, disapproved for the proper author, surprises pelanaturalidade with that the family receives the notice from the sad end of Gregor Samsa, announced for the faxineira, without the cerimónia minor. Throughout the years, the Metamorphosis passed for diverse translations and adaptations. One of them was its transposition for the quadrinhos. Franz Kafka is a case sui generis in the history of literature or the literature of History as she wants.

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