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Harry Potter
(ilay levi translator - sophi)

harry potter its a childrens and youth book that is the most known in israel, america, london and almost in every country.... the book tells about an 11 years old boy that his parents were killed by one strong magician. that magician trying unsuccessfully to kill harry potter also, but instead he transfers him that half of his powers. harry potter grew up in his uncel and aunt and their son. darsie family : vernon ( the father) pathonia ( the mother) dadly(the son) that is very abused. his room is the stair closet, he makes their meals and doesn't eat himself he gets an horrible treatment and not only that, they have told him that his parents were killed in an accident and not that the magician killed them.this is harry potters way of life continued until apepresentative fom school the vegerwats came to take him. he changed haryy potters life. harry got to know new friends, understood that he is a magician and grew up to understand that magic its not an easy thing... slowly harry discovers more things about his life - he discovers that he has many talent in quwidich and he brings his group to winings. everytime he wins a cup og houses he establish a group of studyings of defence from the powers of darknessand all that when his hateful teacher snape, the teacher for the potions. in the fifth bookharry potter coped with a teacher that becomes that director of school. i love very much this book and irecommend it personaly. to this series of books have 6 books and the 7 is on the way...the writer is jk roling and she is a great writer. when u start reading you can't let go of the book.there aren't a store books that doesn't sells this book, so you should go and buy it and not to go far away.

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