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Is Us Foreign Policy A Democratic?
(Daljit Khankhana)

I were watching a Pakistan Television where a panel was discussing about a claim of US Secretary that there are training center or schools in Pakistan where they educate or train terrorists. One speaker cleared the matter and explained that Central Intelligence of America CIA established training centers in Pakistan in 1980/1981 to trained Kashmiri, Sikh and Afghan for their purpose to demolish the sovereignty of India and USSR. Only 1,50000 Sikh youth was innocently killed in their demand of Khalistan with the support and training of CIA. US sold them weapons and established them terrorists.CIA supported to innocent Kashmiri?s to become Mujahdin. The innocent killing in Azad Kashmir And Indian Kashmir is the cause of CIA who trained a nation as terrorist.General ZIA and CIA trained afghan as Taliban against USSR only to demolish the sovereignty of Soviet Union.If this is a matter of peace then President Bush needs to learn about their intelligence contributions or role that expands US trade of weapons to kill innocents before to claim against any UN Peace regulations. Pakistan Philosopher declared that Hezbollah contribution against Israel was totally acceptable in Islamic Communities. They explained that they need such organisations in Islam under their religious faith of ?Amal? (Action) for the security matter. They are also willing that every citizen should be trained as army soldier so nobody can blame them as US claimed that Pakistan or Islam is running terrorist camps.
The Pakistan TV has this broadcasting.

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