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The 7 Habits Of The Highly Effective People

For 15 years, in the weekly sold book list but (and often heading it), has been being this unquestionable one to best-seller, of the call Socrates Americano: Stephen Covey.Su departure point is the inescapable fact that almost all the men of company podrian to improve in many aspects, but few know like doing it. The author gives to liricos sermons neither advice of old without are nor ton. Its highly effective style, is clear, efficient, accurate, going to the "jugular one of the subject". Its method is direct like a divided managemental course in seven levels that the reader must assimilate. Its style is pleasant, anecdotal, reflective, destined to enrich to the reader, being invited it to use and to put in practices the 7 Habits, in all the aspects of its life. Mainly, to the way to accede to the change, to the true effectiveness, from the personal vision to autorenovacion balanced, the leadership, the administration, the empatica communication and the creative cooperation. Having in account all this and through certain concepts, the reader ends up including/understanding, who everything what we do must be in agreement with which really we see. The sera result an Ethical Revolution in the daily life and the company. The 7 Habits, that begin in a trip towards the Efectividad.Son: Proactividad.Comenzar with an aim in mind. To put first first. To think about winning/to win. To look for to include/understand first and later to be included/understood. Sinergizar and Afilar the Sierra.Ellos are the angular stones to form highly effective organizations. These they are, without a doubt attributes necessary for organizations human that they want to be successful, as opposed to challenges that appears in this XXI.He Century here a Manual to him on the Art of the Effectiveness, that can change its life, as it goes in the process of the success, towards new stations in the wonderful trip towards the Excellence.

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