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The Shade Of The Wind
(Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

As the young David, led by his father, entered the secret "Graveyard of Forgotten Books", he did not realize that his life would take a dramatic turn in this surreal labyrinth. He was allowed to choose a book, with the requirement that he alone take responsibility for it. The Book he chose was The Shade of the Wind by Julian Carax. Little did he know that he would be unable to break free from this book for the rest of his life. Daniel,having grownup alone with his father in the grey Barcelona during the Franco-Era, was fascinated by the history which he read. Hewanted to search for the mysterious author, know who this person was, know what happened to him, and know why only a small number of copies of his bookhad beenpreserved. What began as a curious game quickly turns into a threat... ISBN 3-458171703, 527 pages (the German version)

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


