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Jane Austen
(Jane Austen)


Jane Austen:In the 6th of december of 1775,JaneAusten was born in steventon-england,shelived quietly in the english countryside about two hundred years ago,and wrote stories that looked very closely at thelives and loves of people of her time.In 1813 she published Pride and Prejudice which has been enjoyed by generations of readers ,in 1816 she published Emmaand in 1811 she puplished Sense and Sensibility...etc
she died in 18th july of1817after a long life full of many beautiful works

MrsBennethas five daughters which she is desperately wants to find husbands for them.when two rich young men visittheir village,everything seems to be going to plan.Mr Bingley is friendly and charming.But Mr Darcy seems to think he is too good for his new neighbours.Everyone agrees that he is seems much too proud
Then Mr Darcy notices the lively,intelligent Elizabeth Bennet.However,Darcy is shocked by the behaviour of Elizabeth's family,and she
discovers that he has wronged her handsome and popular Mr Wickham.It seems that these two will never be friends
Mrs Bennet does not give up her search but there are problems of family and fortune,love and money--and even scandal--on the way.This novel has very happy ends and Mrs Bennet's girls get married as she planned

published by oxford university

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- Pride And Prejudice

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