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Cold Fire
(Dean Koontz)

Dean Koontz puts his best selling story telling style on display again with Cold Fire. Koontz does an incredible job of opening a door for every possible outcome and then successfully slamming them all shut with a gripping revelation, all the time while intertwining you into the lives and emotions of the characters. In the shadows of the world created by Koontz lies a quiet savior. Jim Ironheart has discretely saved twelve people in the last three months, every time in a miraculous, last minute fashion. Holly Thorne, a curious reporter becomes deeply intrigued by this man of mystery when he saves a young boy from a drunk driver in Portland. After quickly falling in love with him she realizes that something is hauntingly wrong. Dreadfully disturbing visions haunt Jim?s dreams and terror inducing whispers escape while he sleeps. Koontz is effective in his ability to grip the reader with suspense, fear, and surprising intrigue because he does an incredible job of allowing the reader?s imagination to wrap around the possibilities of the story while quietly leading the unassuming reader into his next thrilling trap. Cold Fire is to be considered the next great suspense thriller in his line of great novels.

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