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Many Lives, Many Masters
(Dr. Brian Weiss)

Many Lives, Many Masters is a book that is often mentioned in discussions, documentaries and other books on reincarnation. First published in 1988, it is regarded as one of the foremost works on the subject. The reason why most likely stems from the reason it came into being and the standing of its author, rather than its message.The book was written by Dr. Brian Weiss. A graduate of Yale Medical school, the author is a qualified psychiatrist and was head of psychiatry at a large American hospital. His position and reputation in his field were of the highest order. Why then would he choose to write a book that threatened his position with its scientific unorthodoxy?The answer lay in a patient of his, a young woman by the name of Catherine. Catherine suffered from many anxieties and phobias, all of which were proving resistant to his efforts to help her towards a cure. After many sessions of more traditional therapy, the subject made references to a previous life whilst under hypnosis. Thus began a long, intensive programme of past-life regression therapy; therapy which ultimately proved of enormous benefit to Catherine in her quest to find happiness.The book has three main strands. The first is the regressions themselves and the Lives they uncover. This is of less interest than many similar works. Only generalisations are given and there is nothing in these lives that is open to verification. The second element is the conversations the psychiatrist has with the Masters; who speak to him using the hypnotised Catherine as a vehicle. Here, Dr. Weiss learns of the state between lives, where the souls rest and is given information on the meaning of life and the spirit?s need to learn lessons whilst in material existence in the body. The final aspect is the use of past-life regression as a means of providing therapy; particularly to those like Catherine who have inexplicable phobias and anxieties. It is the fact that the book deals with the latter two aspects that make it interesting; the previous lives themselves not being of particular interest in their content. The conversations with the Masters and watching Catherine progress do form a compelling story, particularly in their context of a psychiatric treatment. It is this that makes the book well worth reading for anyone interested in the topic of reincarnation.

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- Many Lives, Many Masters

- Many Lives, Many Masters

- Many Lives Many Masters

- Many Lives Many Masters

- Many Lives Many Masters

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