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Eleven Minutes
(Paulo Coelho)

Eleven Minutes is a story of a girl, who, in order to make her dreams come true makes her way out of Brazil.Being suddenly exposed to the world of flesh trade she just wants to earn enough to go back home.She ends up being a prostitute. Love, for her is just an illusion untill she meets the painter in a cafe. This is a cerebral yet interesting story of Maria's journey from a shattered soul to a soul rejuvinated after meeting the true soul mate. Based on a true story this book takes us into the pages of Maria's diary where she reveals her innermost thoughts, fears and her philosophy of life. Being a prostitute does not stop her from cultivating her intellect and the temporality of her universe brings out the value and importance of the small happinesses in life. Through Maria's diaries Paulo Coelho has been able to bring out the simplicity and purity of true desire. There is a divine touch to this desire and when reading one feels aboslutely confident that yes, it could be true. through Maria's world our belief in the existence of an untarnished soul, of unconditional Love is reinstilled. Living in a society where sex workers are seen with contempt, this story suddenly adds life to these puppets of the underworld ... with real feelings and intellectual thinking. Paulo Coelho , as always, touches our soul with his works and this book shows how much he can read a woman's feelings and understand the importance of the existence of an individual today. When reading this book nothing seems impossible.Here love knows no fear, is not demanding and is only giving. Its not martydom it's just the way it is...simply love for the sake of loving as living without love is unheard of in human souls.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


