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The Cat Among The Pigeons
(Agatha Christie)

Cat among the pigeons is an intriguing book of murder mystery. This is a book which is loved for its suspense. The author Agatha Christie has been very successful in creating an atmosphere of suspense. The story is staged in a school called Medowbank, which is elite school for rich girls and even princesses. The murder of teachers creates panic and students start leaving the school. The murders happen in the newly built sports pavilion. The disappearance of jewels, kidnapping of a princess and the murders add suspense. Somewhere these incidents are connected. A widely read author of murder mysteries Agatha is ready with a spellbinding plot. The author?s works have been translated in more than 45 languages all over the world. This book makes an interesting read where the school atmosphere is the back drop for the plot to develop. A nice and wonderful book.

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