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The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
(C.S. Lewis)

A world full of magnificent creatures...fauns, unicorns, lions, and polar bears. An adventure story full of suspence and drama...wolves chasing humans, a witch's deception, and a war between good and evil. Who wouldn't like a book such as The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe? This book is for everyone...readers of mystery, fantasy, drama, and sci-fi.
Whatever your fancy, C. S. Lewis includes it all in one marvelously written story. C. S. Lewis is a fantastic author known for his ability to tell biblical stories and lessons in a way that everyone can relate to and understand...people have loved and protected others, people have been betrayed and have forgiven others, and people have been cold like the witch or warm like the lion.
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe...the story you've been waiting for!

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