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The Kings Who Have Made France: Louis Xiv Extrait

As soon as the incredible news was known, almost all European countries became indignant. The English people and the Dutch people accused Louis of XIV of disloyalty, even though he forced himself to show them that the Kingdom of France and the one of Spain remained absolutely independent and the acceptation by Charles the II (then the last King of Spain for the moment) did not provide of any advantage for us). The Emperor rose a solemnly protestation and pained to look for allied, in case of a war perspective. The Brandebourg Elector was the first of them. He took opportunity to make recognized himself as the Prussian King. In compensation, Clement the VI, The Elector of Bavaria, and the Duck of Savoy, always looking for profits, and who also was always dreaming of a crown, recognized without difficulty Philippe the V as King of Spain. It was the same with the territories under Madrid's authority: the Netherland and the Italy's principalities. The English position (consequently the Holland position) was not plainly hostile. These two countries did not refused to recognize Philippe the V but under certain conditions. It was evident that Louis the XIV, aware of the danger he was exposed and the incapacity of the Emperor to fight alone, did not refused a compromise. But, Philippe the V, welcomed with open arms by the Spanish people, cannot deceive them by accepting a dismemberment, even a partial one of their Empire. They relied on France to defend the belongings

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