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Women, Please Dont Avoid

Feminism has attained glory right from the period of Elaine Showalter.But it is really sad that people dont really recognize the importance of Feminism even today.Feminism never makes any attempt to destroy manhood or patriarchy.It is only against the cruelties meted out to women.

Feminism demands only equality and such equality is not still possible in our countries.A few examples will bring light to the need for Feminism.The word 'Virginity' refers to the physical purity of a woman.But is there any word in English dictionary to suggest the purity of male body?This is a simple example in which we can identify the response of a large society.Again consider the word "History".This word actually evolved from two words, 'His story'.Thus, his story turned out into History.Why cant it be Her story?There is a HE even in a SHE.If men and women are considered equal, what is the need that something of male again sticks to women.Even in the common word we use everyday, 'woman' also contain a man in it.There is a LAD in a lady too.And these evolution of language itself is a reflection towards the treatment that the males show towards females.

More than that she is always considered as a second sex.Why cant male and female be equal sex?These are simple terms which I consider, will reflect with greater terms of life.Feminists are usually termed as home-breakers.But nowhere in the history has a woman left a man under feministic theory.She leaves her husband or partner only when she cant tolerate him anymore or only when he ill-treats her.It is only against such treatment that Feminism raises its sword.

Though the western countries are termed to be highly civilized, there also exists these kind of descrimination.It is the concept of men that a woman should always be subordinate.In a man's view, a woman should always be like a doll, like Nora in Ibsen's "A Doll's House".She is always a person who has no will of her own.Women, its high time to inculcate Feminist values in yourself.There is no need for Feminism if each woman has enough knowledge for herself.Feminism has to come forth only when an ignorant woman is rambled upon.

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