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Rifts World Book #11: Coalition War Campaign
(Kevin Siembieda)

Rifts World Book #11: The Coalition War Campaign returns the series to its North American Roots and revisits the Coalition States of America. The Coalition is a collection of technologically advanced states that are the ?heirs? to the United States of America?s technological dominance in North America. After the great cataclysm, kingdoms (ones arising on the site of military installations) banded together for mutual protection. This evolved into what is now known as the Coalition.
Emperor Karl Prosek is the domineering leader of this band of humanity, stretching from Quebec, through the ruins of Chicago, and down into Texas. The Coalition States has access to powerful technology, and its cities are very much like domineering fortresses, keeping non-citizens, mutants, mages, and unregistered psychics at bay. The Coalition strongly believe in the ideals of human supremacism, and further believe that the magic environment of magic is a plot by demonic sources to tempt and corrupt humanity.
With access to pre-rifts technology, including body armor, Samas Power Armor, Rail Gun Technology, Tanks, and genetic research, the Coalition is a powerhouse in the region, and serves to keep the vampires at a standstill to the south, and the Splurgoth at bay to the East. However, one of the new plot twists for Player Characters is that in this text, Quebec secedes from the Coalition States. While Quebec shares many of the ideals of the Coalition, it never accepted the demand to dismantle its Juicer program, a technology the Coalition never wanted to utilize. With Quebec now becoming a target for the Coalition States of America, major changes with ripple throughout the whole region.
This sourcebook really outlines many aspects of the Coalition, and expands upon all of the character classes associated with the Coalition. It is an excellent addition to anyone?s Rifts library.

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