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No To Uk Salted Bombs

Many modern thermonuclear weapons are 'salted'. If you don't know this means that they small amounts of Cobalt etc which are added to the bombs to create a much more deadly and longlasting fallout. This extra fallout poisons the victims of a nuclear attack long after the initial strike(sometimes hundreds or thousands of years).

Modern thermonuclear devices work by uncontrolled nuclear fusion which is triggered by a small fission device. The small fission device on its own is the only cause of Radioactive fallout in 'unsalted' weapons. Unsalted nuclear devices can still devastate lerge areas and hardened fortifications due to the energy released.

With the possibility of the UK purchasing 25bn in replacement Trident missiles, shoud we not lead the rest of the world by ensuring that UK missiles are not 'salted'. Being a clever and resourceful country, we can defeat our opponents with the use of strategically deployed and less toxic fusion bombs without the disgusting and unsportsmanlike poisoning of the planet.

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