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Rifts World Book #5: Triax And The New German Republic
(Kevin Siembieda)

Rifts World Book #5: Triax and the New German Republic, by Kevin Siembieda, adds more gaming source material for the Rifts Role Playing Game. In this sourcebook, the Palladium staff outline what has become of Germany after the great cataclysm turned Earth into a fusion of high technology and high sorcery.
The New German Republic is what is left of the powerful industrial nation of Germany. Luckily, a German company, Triax, was experimenting in cutting edge robotics, (including robotic power suits as powerful as tanks), before the coming of the rifts. When the rifts opened up, Europe was overrun by demonic hordes. Triax and its industrial complex was able to weather the storm and help rebuild the German Nation. However, the heavy reliance upon industry is no longer just an empty buildup of technology. A powerful army of Gargoyles was rifted to Earth and has settled in the areas once known as France, Italy, Belgium, and Austria. Not only are Gargoyles powerful beings (in the magical rich environment of Earth, they are as powerful as a tank), this new Gargoyle Empire has access to a powerful supplier of technology. The Gargoyles have become aware of the great equalizing effect of technology and have purchased their own line of power armor and combat weaponry.
For those Role Players that enjoy the use of high technology, this book is crammed full of tech. Powerful suits of power armor, tanks, vehicles, laser weaponry, and rail gun technology are all part of the Triax line of equipment. Other enjoyable elements about this book is the addition of over a dozen character classes for new players to choose from. Furthermore, recognizing these peoples effect upon European folklore and superstition (as well as the various storytelling elements they provide), Rifts World Book #5 outlines what happened to the Gypsy people after the coming of the rifts.

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