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The Old Man And The Sea
(Earnest Hemingway)

What is so great about a shark? Whoever lives in the costal areas next to an ocean are familiar with them. Sharks have ever been featured in top-of-the-chart movies. What is so great about an old man who has retired and lives on the coast and thinks back? What is so great about slim hundred-odd pages of a book written about that old man and the sea? The answer is memories that have a way of coming back to you and most people do nothing about it. But a few try to relieve their memories and prove that the past is the present. The old man and the sea. A book which is short, concise demonstrates an economy of words and thoughts very few writers posess. A book, which makes you, think-is your life over or can you live again to bring the past into the present and leave a message for mankind that the present can be a precursor to the future. An old man with achievements in the past and he was not beleived.human beings are cynical. He made a last try. He took out his boat out in the open sea. Life is a struggle. So is resurrection. The will power never dies. The old man had his dreams fulfilled. He found the shark. Far bigger than had ever seen in his life. He fought. He struggled. The shark was beyond his imagination. He was drawn into the middle of nowhere. Old man that he was the lesson he had never learnt was how to give up. He won the battle, but at what cost. He came back to the past, to his own shores. All he had to prove that he was right. A skeleton, which was bigger than anybody had ever seen, and a dead man on a boat. What did he prove? The past never dies, the present resurrects, and the future lives in the present. A thin book with so much to say. I wish human beings understood the old man and the sea. Life would not be complex anymore. Hopes will not die. Man can strive, despite failures and live for the future. This, I think, epitomizes the old man and the sea

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