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Yellow And Hereafter ---

At 1226 Buxton Rd., caramel was his favorite food. After the clown his friend cleverly discovered, found out the elderly pony that needed to be retired- lead it for a ride; there was pizza, strawberry frosted, lined black cake, A white candle, calligrafied in pink die, the # 5. He blew it out in one effort after making his secret wish. The grease from a slice of pizza pepperoni last left. Almost, you would think, the clown was wearing Uncle Sam pants. There wasn?t much point in seeing it any differently. Kimothy drowned.

The viewing made it especially deep. He could hardly sniff when he sniffed himself deep. How could anyone have questioned senses? What was Russian about this?

www.valiantdeath.com--- for experimental music/art/ Write your abstract here.

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- Yellow And Hereafter--- Horrible Murder Mystery-ch. 20?

- Yellow And Hereafter--- Horrible Murder Mystery-ch. 20?

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